Our Medical Check ups in addition to GP consultations are some of the many services offered by our practice
Flu Vaccinations – read more
1. Chronic Disease Management (CDM)
This is an excellent service offered to prevent and manage those diagnosed with
chronic diseases.
Some of the diseases covered by this program
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Asthma
2. Blood Tests
Bloods test to be done from the surgery on the following days
Monday to Wednesday all day
Thursday – 12.30
Friday – No Blood test
3. Cardiograph
4. Cervical Checks
5. Mother and Baby Clinic (Child Immunisation covered)
6. Repeat Prescription
7. 24 hr BP Monitor
For prescriptions, please contact the surgery.
Please note: All repeat prescriptions can only be renewed if there are no pending care gaps e.g Appointment/review or any routine blood testing